Yongjun Shin

Yongjun Shin

, Ph.D.

Director (Urban Communication), Global Listening Centre.

Asst. Prof. : Bridgewater State University, U.S.A.


Yongjun Shin PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Bridgewater State University. He received a Ph.D. in Mass Communications at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an M.A. in Communication-Urban Studies at Michigan State University and a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication atSungkyunkwan University, Seoul. Dr. Shin was the inaugural recipient of the James W. Carey Urban Communication Award from the International Communication Association. For hisdoctoral dissertation project, he won a highly competitive Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. He has received numerous awards and invited presentations and teaching from academic associations and universities while publishing manuscripts in top tier refereed journals in communication and interdisciplinary urban studies journals. He approaches to listening studies in not only interpersonal but also inter-organizational contexts. Recently, he is working with his colleague on racial conflict resolution, which requires listening to people’s lives in different racial and ethnic backgrounds, through an interdisciplinary project between communication and cognitive science. Also, his inter-organizational project involves in developing collective problem-solving networksamong diverse organizations for local community issues.